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We finished to implement the version 4 of Biome-BGCMuSo into BBGCDB. It swap places with MuSo 3, that we do not support further. Please note, that INI and other parameter files of Biome-BGCMuSo are not compatible with MuSo 3 settings. We moved also BBGCDB to another and improved instance, so the system needs some more testing first to uncover latent problems. Also note, that the previous BBGCDB instance can be found here. All previous projects and settings can be found there, but no new runs can perform.

Please write to Ferenc Horváth (horvath.ferenc [at] in case of any questions ...

We started to implement version 4 of Biome-BGCMuSo into BBGCDB. It will take about two weeks we guess. However we recommend not to start new projects during this implementation and reconstruction phase of the site. We keep our system operational, but new projects, new datasets, new maps ... and new results created from now will be lost or hardly accessible later. We apologize for inconveniences!
Please make contact with Ferenc Horváth (horvath.ferenc [at] in case of any questions ...

The developers of Biome-BGC Muso, Zoltán BARCZA and Dóra HIDY concluded to rename this version of the model to "Biome-BGCMuSo". Please follow the official website of the model to access up-to-data info, references, detailed documentation and executables.

The Monte Carlo Experiment (MCE) service is not available for a while, because the EDGES Home desktop grid service was stopped. We'll move this service to the SZDG of MTA SZTAKI. We ask your patience ...
Ferenc Horáth and Dóra Ittzés

The main spatial preparation and simulation runs for the AGRATéR project are over. It was a busy period for the ECOS server ... the capacity of the system was fully exploited during these weeks. We learnt a lot, that we can apply for futher development of our services

Ferenc Horváth
horvath.ferenc [at]
+36 (30) 527 9625

Dóra Ittzés
ittzes.dora [at]

Intensive and long simulatlion runs started to perform for the AGRATéR project. It will last for 2-3 weeks in December continuously, so please avoid to run new investigation to avoid interferences in computation, or please make contact with Ferenc Horváth in any requests.

I apololgize for any inconveniences ... best regards,
Ferenc Horváth
horvath.ferenc [at]
+36 (30) 527 9625

Zoltán BARCZA and Dóra Hidy, developers of the Biome-BGC MuSo has been launched the official website of the model. Up-to-date info, references, detailed documentation and executables can be accessed.

Two independently developed simulation models – the grassland-specific PaSim and the biome-generic Biome-BGC MuSo were compared in a simulation of carbon and water fluxes. The results were assessed against eddy-covariance flux data from five observational grassland sites representing a range of conditions in Europe: Grillenburg in Germany, Laqueuille in France with both extensive and intensive management, Monte Bondone in Italy and Oensingen in Switzerland. The two models roughly match weekly GPP and RECO, but differ in their sensitivity to climate change factors.

Sandor et al.: Modelling of grassland fluxes ... Find the paper here: "" or search in References.

Eszter Lellei-Kovács (MTA ÖK) won a three years project entitled 'The effect of climate change on carbon release of ecosystems: field experiments and biogeochemical modelling' - OTKA PD 115637

Development and testing of Biome-BGC MuSo 'final' version (v4) is ended. It is planned to include and deploy into BBGCDB in this autumn. Follow up: a new website of the Biome-BGC MuSo was launched ... check for up-to-date info and executables.
